Tips for Teaching Soccer Skills

In order for young players to be successful, soccer technique must be emphasized. Without proper technique, it is next to impossible to teach tactics to your players. Many coaches forget that drills do not teach the players, coaches teach the players.

If left without instructions, it is very easy for your players to take the wrong behavior out of a drill. You must demonstrate proper technique to your players as often as possible. When your players demonstrate poor technique, it is critical that you fix these mistakes immediately.

Players need many repetitions to become technically competent. With enough work, the body will automatically execute the skill without the player thinking about it. Being able to execute soccer skills without thinking about them speeds up play.

Placing your kids in long lines is not going to help create this type of skill development. Having each kid with a ball at their feet is preferable. More touches allow players to get into a rhythm. In addition, you will see problems more readily that can be corrected.

When teaching technique, movement is also key. Most actions in soccer doesn't take place standing still, therefore it is imperative that technique is worked on with movement. In order to produce a realistic environment, it is a good idea to tire your older players out a bit before doing some technical work. Players must be able to perform when fatigued if they want to play at the next level.

Repeat all skill with both feet. Players should be proficient with both the left and the right foot. This improves field awareness and opens up a variety of passing lanes. Two-footed kids are more balanced and have better agility. They are more deceptive dribblers as well.

Repetitions must be performed at game speed. This is the only method that transfers the skills into actual games. Be sure however, to understand the difference between quickly and sloppily. Haste typically shows panic. The end result of panic is a mistake.

Focus on efficiency, then speed when the players are fist learning a skill. As they play more in a game-like practice environment, speed will pick up.

Make the activities interesting. Create competitive situations using goals and time limits. Your players will be challenged to improve each time. Set minimum requirements so that your players appreciate it when they excel.

Nobody wants to be mediocre. Promote the desire to excel in your players from the beginning. Don't accept the same player being last at everything. With that said, be sure you set reasonable standards. Recognize when your players are giving maximum effort but not getting results.

Running kids through drills alone does not produce quality players. You must utilize activities that draw the skill out. Small-sided games with a variety of objectives is key here. The end goal is to provide opportunities to achieve creative play through the soccer drills you utilize.

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